
Protect your processes from cyber threats

By Excellence in Manufacuring Consortium   

Industry Manufacturing cyber threats cybersecurity EMC manufacturing N-Dimension
Sponsored by Excellence in Manufacuring Consortium

Cyber attacks cause business disruptions, damaged machinery and result in lost revenues. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK

The Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium presents a free webinar for manufacturers that will help tighten secure and reduce risks.

For many small and medium-sized manufacturers, the importance of cybersecurity is not fully understood until it has a negative impact on their businesses. Many also believe they’re protected from cyber risks when they’re not, and often don’t have robust strategies, processes or training in place to deal with the complex issues that can arise.

“Too often we see manufacturers believing they have taken the right precautions, but are actually quite exposed,” said Scott McNeil-Smith, national director of programs and partnerships and cybersecurity program lead for the Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC). “Small and medium sized firms who think they are ‘under the radar’, and even larger industries with onsite IT management are finding holes in the boat.”

With the increasing use of automation, advanced manufacturing processes and IOT connecting industry with customers and their supply chains, EMC,  a non-profit based in Owen Sound, Ont. that is dedicated to helping manufacturers grow and become more competitive, believes manufacturers must prepare themselves for the threats that exist. That’s why it’s offering a free educational webinar on May 14.

In partnership N-Dimension Solutions, a cybersecurity technology provider for critical infrastructure, the newly launched EMC Secure program will immediately enable over 13,000 active consortium members with access to the N-Sentinel cybersecurity technology platform as well as solutions designed to help prevent costly cyber intrusions that can cripple a business.


“Our members across Canada continue to share concerns and examples of cyber threats they have faced. We have recognized we needed to quickly bring to manufacturers across Canada a robust cyber security solution that will ensure the security of information, while diminishing potential risks,” said Shawn Casemore, president of EMC. “The resources and tools that N-Dimension provides in our new cyber security program have been proven to be the most effective solution to protecting our members.”

In 2017, 28% of medium sized and 19% of small businesses in Canada experienced cyber incidents, resulting in an average of 24 and 22 hours of downtime respectively. The average cost of a cyber breach in Canada was $6.11 million in 2017.

“We were unsure but felt we had a decent cybersecurity defense system in place,” said a representative of one of EMC’s member companies. “However, as soon as we installed the N-Sentinel monitoring sensor, it detected multiple vulnerabilities that we were not even aware of including unencrypted passwords and multiple unknown external connections to our internal systems. The N-Sentinel’s team of cybersecurity experts simplified all the complex cybersecurity issues into an easy-to-understand security concern summary. We were able to understand the risks and properly mitigate the threats. Having access to their cybersecurity team has further enhanced our process of handling cybersecurity issues.”

Since 2015, the N-Sentinel cybersecurity technology platform has been installed in a number of critical infrastructure sectors including electric utilities, water utilities and manufacturing. EMC will expand the availability of N-Sentinel throughout Canada and enable manufacturers to effectively address their cybersecurity risks and challenges.

As part of the program launch, EMC and N-Dimension have arranged for member manufacturers to test-drive the program for 60 days, at no cost. The program is available in all provinces and territories, coast-to-coast-to-coast.

For more information or to register for the upcoming educational webinar for manufacturers, please visit



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