
Content Marketing

PLANT’s content marketing services bring new prospects your way!

From hosted press releases to single articles and custom eNewsletters, our turnkey content marketing services position you as the subject matter expert.

Hosted company press releases

Post your company announcement to Canadian Plant as a “Sponsored Message.” The press release headline will run in one edition of the Canadian Plant eNewsletter.

Sponsored articles

We write an informative, sponsored article on your behalf, quoting your experts and including links to your web site and email. The article is promoted as a text ad in TWO editions of the Canadian Plant eNewsletter.

Custom eNewsletters

Targeted, customer-focused eNewsletters provide you with the reach you need for high-impact messaging.
Select your target audience by demographic or job title. We handle the details, and you get final approval.

For more details and rates,
Download content marketing PDF Download Plant Magazine Media Kit
Or contact:
Jeff Brownlee
Publisher, PLANT, PLANT West
Tel: (416) 277-8428