
Does your team need an attitude adjustment?

Karin Lindner   

Industry Manufacturing behaviour change Lindner management manufacturing

How to get the people process right

Recently a vice-president of operations said to me, “Karin, during good times, it’s so easy to overlook poor attitude and collaboration challenges, but then all of a sudden you start feeling the pain.”

This behaviour has to change but where do you start?

Most people want to be better parents, leaders, co-workers and citizens. Here are three simple insights that will get them from here to “there”:

1. Positivity – How you think: Everyone on the team needs to understand the only thing they have 100% control over is their own attitude. If you focus on problems, you will get more of them. If you focus on the possibilities, you will see opportunities.


How do you look at things? Is your language positive? Do you expect people to fix issues or find solutions? Never expect more of others than yourself. Observe how people speak to each other. Make others aware that a complaining attitude has a negative effect on the whole team.

2. Clarity – How you express yourself: You may be the smartest person in the room but if you can’t transform thoughts into a meaningful message, the team won’t understand what you expect from them. They have to know where you are going, why you are going there and why they should come with you.

Note three positive workplace behaviours you would like to see. If you want to see more kindness, be kind. If you want to see more initiative, take initiative. If you want to see people accept responsibilities, take on responsibility. Live and breathe your own expectations.

When you observe positive behaviours in others, acknowledge and reinforce them.

3. Identity – What you believe: Behaviour change is based on identity. Every person has certain beliefs about themselves. But you can choose what to believe. How awesome is that?

What are your beliefs about your role on the team? You do not need to have a title to be a leader. Schedule one hour a week to have a conversation with different team members. Get to know them. Show them you care. What is going well? Where do they see opportunities for improvement?

Focus more on the people around you than on facts and figures. What are their greatest fears and their deepest desires?

To develop different workplace behaviours, lead by example. And be patient.

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