
Boeing exec to deliver keynote at DEX, PLANT and MM&P Expos Winnipeg

By Design Engineerig Staff   

Industry Aerospace Manufacturing aerospace Boeing manufacturing PLANT EXPO

General manager of one of Canada’s largest aerospace manufacturers will speak to issues critical to all manufacturers.

Boeing Canada general manager Amy May. PHOTO: BOEING

WINNIPEG — Amy May, general manager of Boeing Canada Winnipeg, will keynote the Design Engineering Expo (DEX) in Winnipeg on April 3, 2019. This annual one-day, table top industrial trade show will return to the Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre and host three shows under one roof: DEX Expo, PLANT Expo and Metalworking Manufacturing & Production Expo.

In her keynote address, “Manufacturing in Manitoba: Staying Competitive,” Ms. May will delve into issues critical to all Canadian manufacturers, including:

  • The importance of the manufacturing industry in Manitoba
  • How Boeing addresses the age gap by being a top employer of young people
  • How Boeing keeps their top talent and manages a diverse workforce
  • How Boeing ensures first-time quality on all parts they produce
  • How the aerospace giant ensures safety within the workplace

A Harvard grad, May also holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in industrial engineering and is a Certified Professional Ergonomist. During her career at Boeing Canada, she has worked as an industrial ergonomist supporting Boeing Fabrication’s 737 and 757 programs.

She also supported the 787 airplane design, where she and her teammates patented a “method for managing ergonomic risk exposure in manufacturing.” May later moved on to management roles overseeing environment, health and safety and most recently served as director of Boeing workplace safety.

Boeing Winnipeg is one of the largest aerospace composite manufacturers in Canada, employing more than 1,400 people in 800,000 square feet of space in two locations in the city. The division produces more than 500 end item composite parts and assemblies, including fairings, landing gear doors and the engine inlet inner barrel of the new 737 MAX. It also designs and manufactures parts for the 787 Dreamliner as a Tier I partner.

The DEX / PLANT/ MMP Expos provide a forum for face-to-face interactions with leading suppliers from a wide range of markets including metal fabrication, machine building and manufacturing. Featured industrial technologies will include additive manufacturing, automation, cutting tools, fluid power, machine tools, mining, motion control and oil and gas, among many other segments.

Attendee registration is free through the PLANT Expo website:


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